Sunday 5 September 2010

Captain Al Hubbard Research

Once we had decided upon using the song 'Captain Al Hubbard' by 'Cat Frequency' we thought that perhaps some background research on 'Captain Al...' would be a great way to gain ideas for our video. We were not aware if he was in fact a real person or not but it turned out that he lead an extremely interesting life which provided us with more than enough material to construct a video that references and includes various aspects of his life. Very little has been written about him and the only way we learned about him were through accounts made by his associates. A Beverly Hills psychiatrist named Oscar Janiger once said "nothing of substance has been written about Al Hubbard, and probably nothing ever should." However, we did find out much about him.

Alfred Matthew Hubbard, which was his formal name, is predominantly known for what he did in and around the 1960's in the time of the Psychedelic Movement. It is believed that Al Hubbard introduced LSD to over 6000 people, including scientists, politicians, intelligence officials and church figures.

However, he was not just known for his work with LSD. He was also a prolific inventor, and, at the age of nineteen he invented the 'Hubbard Energy Transformer' which was a radioactive battery that could not be explained by the technology of that period. It allegedly powered a a ferry sized vessel around a bay in Seattle for three days straight. This is especially interesting as he dropped out of school in the third grade and had no such training in this area of science and engineering what so ever.

Just after this the young A.M. Hubbard speant 18 months in prison for assisting rum smugglers using a radio hidden in his taxi, However after his release he recieved a presidential pardon and was cleared of any wrong doing.

There are also rumoures that he was involved in the CIA project known as 'MK ULTRA' which was a project involved in using psychedelics as mind control, namely to use against the Soviets. However it has been claimed that it would be unlike Al Hubbard to be associated with such things.

More can be learned about Captain Al Hubbard on...

Much of the information above was gained from this web site.

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