Tuesday 7 December 2010

Audience demographic


  1. Well done Danny, you have competently evaluated the demographic of your target audience.

    To strengthen I'd suggest you add another post identifying aspects of your music video that your audience demographic would identify with. Try to focus on how you've represented aspects of living in contemporary Britain.

  2. Having watched your music video it may be useful to identify specific films/TV dramas that would appeal to your target audience. Your music video has very surreal elements thus it may only appeal to a niche audience who enjoy very experimental conceptual short films or abstract artists. One or two conceptual films are being exhibited at the moment at the Tate Modern.

    This could be an additional post!
    As your post stands I'd suggest Level 3 - proficient understanding.

  3. Another aspect which could be strengthened is to identify aspects of your music video that would appeal to your target audience.

    You've identified artists which would appeal to your audience demographic nut not explained why this is the case.
