Sunday, 31 October 2010
Costume and Props (Archive)
The same goes for using black jeans as part of the costume. They are nondescript and so the audience are instead encouraged to pay more attention to the content of the video.
We decided upon using smart black shoes as they will look good when filmed as an extreme close up. Additionally the sound they create when going down the corridor is one we wish to incorporate in our video as it will add tension and suspense.
The leather satchel is going to be a prominent feature of our video. This is because Captain Al Hubbard always carried with him a leather satchel. We will also use it as something that binds all the story lines together.
The old film projector is a prop we used when filming at the archive. We chose to use this as it is quite an unusual prop and visually looks very good.
The film reel is a crucial prop for our video, as the whole theme revolves around it. Although it is not featured frequently it is the prop that establishes the whole story line.
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Explanation of narrative and structure.
Instead of having a linear plot line we intend to mess with the order of things, in doing this the audience is not completely aware of what is happening right until the end of the video. We hope that this will encourage them to watch it all the way through, and also make them pay closer attention and think about what it is they are watching.
Our video is going to begin in the 'East Anglian Film Archives' and then, after having part of the scene from there it will cut to one of the sub story lines (either filmed at the Cathedral, at my house, or at peters house). Following this it will then cut back to more footage taken at the archives. This structure will repeat up until the end of the video. By doing this nothing in the video stays the same for long, making it more visually interesting and holding the viewers attention for longer.
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Find your tribe
'Find your tribe' is an online survey which determins which 'tribe' or youth trend you fit into.
After doing the survey i got the result 'clubber'. I think that this is probably the most accurate tribe i have been given after doing the suvery mutiple times, changing the options i chose each time. The result i got originally was 'grunger' which may also be a relatively accurate representation of myself.
Whilest doing the survey several times, selecting different options each time, i discovered that it gives you a different set of questions in accordance to what your first few selections are. I found this very interesting and believe that the reason behind it is for market research. The sight is very cleverly constructed in such a way that it appears to be a bit of fun but at the same time finds out which brans you like and dislike, and what generally appeals to you. By giving different groups of people different questions they can narrow down their market research. One of my most interesting findings was that if i selected that i work, as apposed to going to school, it asked me how i spend my money. The same sort of things happened when i changed where i live, how old i was and when i selected what music i like.
Sunday, 3 October 2010
Concept Board
The 'concept board' is a collection of images that either relate to our video, set the mood, or have influenced us when planning our video.
Some of these are just random images, or representations, and others are likely props and ideas for locations. All establish the Mise-en-Scene.
Top, right hand corner.
The clock image, as seen on the left, will most probably be a main prop throughout our video. This is because we wish to emphasise the idea of time passing, and so we decided the best way to depict this would be to use a clock. We hope to use an older style of clock like the one used on the concept board, this should give the film a more surreal feel, which is what we're aiming for.
Top, left hand corner.
The picture on the left of the image is of large crowds of people. Although we may not necessarily include this in the final video it was added to the concept board as a representation of the number of different characters 'Captain Al Hubbard' encountered and met throughout his lifetime.
Bottom, right hand corner.
Both the image of the leather satchel and the one of the old film reel are both things that are quite likely to appear in the video as props. The most important of the two is the film reel as the idea of our video is based upon somebody finding an old film reel, in a film archive.
Bottom, left hand corner.
The colourful images are a representation of the genre. We will attempt to incorporate the style of art into the music video.
Friday, 1 October 2010
We wish to start our film with somebody looking through an archive of old film, in order to do this we intend to contact the ‘East Anglian Film Archive’ and seek permission to film there. There are also a few shops available to us that will sell the style of clothing we need. One such shop, ‘Head in the Clouds’, specialises in psychedelic clothing and so this is where we intend to purchase everything we need for costume.
We aim to take and use the style of editing shown in ‘Born on a day the sun didn’t rise’ by ‘Black Moth Super Rainbow’ and combine it with the surrealism and abstractness of ‘Antibodies’ by ‘Poni Hoax’. In doing this we believe that our video will cater for and appeal to the audience we are aiming our video at, i.e. fans of psychedelic music.