Saturday 30 October 2010

Explanation of narrative and structure.

We intend to have several smaller story lines running through our main one. This, we hope, will help captivate the audiences attention and perhaps make them wish to watch the video more than once, in order to notice the smaller details.

Instead of having a linear plot line we intend to mess with the order of things, in doing this the audience is not completely aware of what is happening right until the end of the video. We hope that this will encourage them to watch it all the way through, and also make them pay closer attention and think about what it is they are watching.

Our video is going to begin in the 'East Anglian Film Archives' and then, after having part of the scene from there it will cut to one of the sub story lines (either filmed at the Cathedral, at my house, or at peters house). Following this it will then cut back to more footage taken at the archives. This structure will repeat up until the end of the video. By doing this nothing in the video stays the same for long, making it more visually interesting and holding the viewers attention for longer.

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